Past Projects

  1. Year 2010: "Practical Pharmaceutical Calculations" (2nd Edition) by Michael Bonner and David Wright (ISBN-13: 978-1846192517) translated into "Penuntun Praktis Perhitungan Farmasi Edisi 2" (ISBN 9789790444140) as Translator.

  2. Year 2011: "Introduction to Semimicro Qualitative Analysis 8th Edition" by Joseph T Lagowski and C. Sorum (ISBN 13: 9780130462169) translated into "Analisis Kualitatif Semimikro Edisi 8" (ISBN 9789790442498) as Translator.

  3. Year 2011: Chapter 4 and Chapter 9 of "Pharmacognosy and Pharmacobiotechnology 2nd Edition" by Ashutosh Kar (ISBN-13: 978-1905740734) translated into "Farmakognosi & Farmakobioteknologi Edisi 2 Volume 1" (ISBN 9789790444361) as Translator.

  4. Year 2011: Chapter 3-8 of "Strategies for Organic Drug Synthesis and Design 2nd Edition" by Daniel Lednicer (ISBN: 978-0-470-19039-5) translated into "Strategi Sintesis & Rancangan Obat Organik Edisi 2" (ISBN 9789790444904) as Translator.

  5. Year 2011: Chapter 15-16 of " Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy 1st Edition" by Philip Wiffen et. al. (ISBN-13: 978-0198567103) translated into "Farmasi Klinis Oxford" (ISBN 978-979-044-493-5) as Translator.

  6. Year 2012: "Introducing Food Science" by Robert L. Shewfelt (ISBN 9781587160288) translated into "Pengantar Ilmu Pangan" (ISBN 978-979-044-405-8) as Editor.

  7. Year 2012: "Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Chemistry 3rd Edition" by G. D. Sodhi (ISBN-13: 978-1842653944) translated into "Konsep Dasar Kimia Lingkungan Edisi 3" (ISBN 978-979-044-559-8) as Translator.

  8. Year 2012-2013: Chapter 6-47 of "Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 29th Edition" by Robert K. Murray et. al. (ISBN-13: 978-0071765763) translated into "Biokimia Harper Edisi 29" (ISBN 978-979-044-495-9) as new edition translator.

  9. Year 2013: "Essentials of Physical Chemistry" by Don Shillady (ISBN 9781439840979) translated into "Dasar-dasar Kimia Fisika" (ISBN 9789790446328) as Editor.

  10. Year 2015: Chapter 12-17 of "Brock Biology of Microorganisms 14th Edition" by Michael T. Madigan et. al. (ISBN-13: 978-0321897398) translated into Biologi Mikroorganisme Brock (ISBN 9790447271) as Translator.

  11. Year 2016: "Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 30th Edition" by Robert K. Murray et. al. (ISBN-13: 978-0071765763) translated into "Biokimia Harper Edisi 30" (ISBN 979-044-812-4) as New Edition Translator.

  12. Year 2017: “The Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 5th Edition” by Loyd V. Allen (ISBN-13: 978-1582122632) translated into “Seni, Ilmu, dan Teknologi Peracikan Farmasi Edisi ke-5” as Editor.

  13. Year 2018: "Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs of the Matthew Henry Bible Commentary" translated into "Tafsiran Matthew Henry Kitab Pengkhotbah dan Kidung Agung" (ISBN 978-979-3292-49-6) as Translator.

  14. Year 2019-2020: "Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 31st Edition" by Robert K. Murray et. al. (ISBN-13: 978-1259837937) translated into "Biokimia Harper Edisi 31" as New Edition Translator.